

рефераты рефераты


Реферат: Налогообложение Резидентов и Неризидентов в Казахстане рефераты

the ratio of gross annual income earned by a nonresident legal entity from doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment during the tax period to the total gross annual income of the nonresident legal entity as a whole for the same tax period;

the ratio of the value of fixed assets recorded in the financial statement of the permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of the end of the tax period, to the total value of the fixed assets of the nonresident legal entity as a whole in the same tax period;

the ratio of the wages fund for personnel employed at the permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of the end of the tax period to the wages fund for personnel of the nonresident legal entity as a whole in the same tax period.

A nonresident legal entity can determine independently which of the aforementioned methods for calculation of the index factor will be used.

The amount of management and general administrative expenses arrived at through these calculations shall be taken as a deduction charged to the permanent establishment only if supporting documents are available. Supporting documents shall include:

1) a copy of the financial statements of the nonresident legal entity in which the following is indicated, depending on the index factor chosen by the nonresident legal entity:

the total amount of gross annual income as a whole;

the total amount of the wages fund as a whole;

the original and residual value of fixed assets as a whole;

the total amount of expenses, with an item-by-item breakdown, including a breakdown of the total amount of management and general administrative expenses;

2) a copy of an audit opinion based on an audit of the nonresident legal entity’s financial statements (if an audit of the legal entity’s financial statements has been performed).

A statement of the aforementioned expenses that are taken, as a deduction charged to a permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be attached to the corporate income tax return filed with the appropriate tax authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the event that the amount of management and general administrative expenses subject to proportional distribution is not indicated in the financial statements, these expenses shall not be taken as deductions charged to a permanent establishment.

2.7.2 Direct deduction of expenses method

 When the direct deduction method is used for a nonresident’s management and general administrative expenses, these expenses shall be taken as a deduction charged to a permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan if they can be determined directly and were incurred directly for the purposes of earning income from doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment. Said expenses shall be taken as deductions charged to a permanent established only if supporting documents are available. Supporting documents shall include:

1) accounting records confirming expenses incurred by the nonresident legal entity on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purposes of earning income from doing business through the permanent establishment;

2) copies of accounting records confirming expenses incurred by the nonresident legal entity outside the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purposes of earning income from doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through the permanent establishment.

2.7.3 Procedure for payment of the income tax on income earned by nonresidents from activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan not leading to the creation of a permanent establishment

The procedure for payment of the income tax provided for under this statement shall apply to the income of a nonresident from activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan that does not lead to the creation of a permanent establishment in accordance with the provisions of an international agreement, with the exception of income referred to in Articles 199–202 of Tax Code Of RK, except as otherwise provided under said statements. A nonresident mentioned above of this article that earns income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the right to apply the procedure for payment of the income tax provided for under this article. In the event that the provisions of this article are not applied, a tax agent shall be required to withhold the income tax at the source of payment and transfer it to the state budget in accordance with the generally established procedure. A nonresident earning income, a tax agent, and a resident bank (referred to hereinafter as a bank) identified by a tax agent, shall conclude a conditional bank deposit agreement following the form agreed upon by the parties to the agreement, taking into account the provisions of this article. Within ten business days of the signing of a conditional bank deposit agreement, a tax agent shall be required to register the agreement with a tax authority, and a copy of the agreement, as well as a copy of the payment document confirming the transfer of income tax to a conditional bank deposit, shall be submitted to the tax authority. The provisions of this article shall extend only to conditional bank deposit agreements that have been registered with a tax authority. Conditional bank deposit agreements, the terms of which do not contradict the provisions of this article, shall be subject to registration. At the time income is paid to a nonresident, a tax agent shall be required to withhold income tax at the source of payment at the rate specified under Article 180 of Tax Code, and to transfer the tax that has been withheld to the conditional bank deposit at a bank, in favor of the nonresident. In the case of compliance with the terms of an international agreement, in order to obtain a refund of income tax that has previously been withheld, a nonresident shall file a request with the tax authority following the procedure and form established by the authorized government agency.. The tax authority shall review said request and the required documents, it shall make a decision regarding the request, and it shall notify the nonresident and the bank of the decision. Upon receipt of a request for a refund of income tax that has been withheld, which has been certified by a tax authority, a bank shall grant the nonresident who submitted the request the right to dispose of funds placed in the conditional bank deposit, up to the amount indicated in the request, plus bank interest that has accrued. In the event that a nonresident does not agree with a negative decision by the tax authority, the nonresident shall have the right within ten business days of the receipt of such a decision to file a request with the authorized government agency (with the involvement of the competent authority of the nonresident’s country of residence, if necessary), asking that the matter be reviewed again to determine the proper application of the provisions of the international agreement, and the tax authority shall be notified at the same time of the appeal of its decision. In the event that a negative decision is made regarding a request and if no notification of an appeal of the tax authority’s decision is received from a nonresident within the established deadline, within ten business days of the nonresident’s receipt of the refusal to apply the provisions of an international agreement, the tax authority shall forward a collection order to the bank calling for transfer of the amount indicated in the request and placed in a conditional bank deposit, plus bank interest that has accrued, to the state budget, accompanied by a document confirming the refusal to exempt the nonresident from taxation. A bank shall be required, within one business day of the receipt from the tax authority of documents referred above, to transfer the amount of income tax placed in the conditional bank deposit, plus bank interest that has accrued, to the state budget. The amount of tax collected shall be credited against the nonresident’s obligations to the state budget. Conditional bank deposits shall be opened in the national currency or in a foreign currency. In the event that conditional bank deposits are opened in a foreign currency, the income tax and bank interest shall be transferred to the budget in the national currency, after being converted at the official rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the time the tax is paid. A nonresident and a tax agent shall not have the right to dispose of income tax placed in a conditional bank deposit until a decision of some kind is reached by the tax authority. In the event that the terms of a conditional bank deposit agreement are violated and income tax that has been withheld is not transferred to the state budget in a timely manner, through the fault of the bank, the bank shall bear liability in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If it is not possible for a bank to meet its obligations to transfer income tax placed in a conditional bank deposit to the state budget, the obligation to transfer income tax collected at the source of payment, bank interest, and fines for the late transfer of tax to the state budget shall be assigned to the tax agent. Tax authorities shall be required to maintain a record of the amount of income tax:

1) placed in conditional bank deposits;

2) paid to nonresidents who have the right to apply the provisions of international agreements;

3) transferred to the state budget.

2.7.4 Procedure for the application of an international agreement with respect to taxation of income from providing transportation services in international shipping

 Income from providing transportation services in international shipping in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the parties, earned by a nonresident legal entity that has the right to apply the provisions of an international agreement, shall be exempt from taxation without the filing of a request for application of the provisions of the international agreement, on the basis of a document confirming residency, if the legal entity has a permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan that is related to this activity. In this case the nonresident legal entity shall be required to maintain a separate record of income earned from providing transportation services in international shipping (which is not subject to taxation pursuant to an international agreement) and from providing transportation services on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (subject to taxation), and also to reflect said income in a corporate income tax return. The total amount of taxable income indicated in a corporate income tax return shall be reduced by the amount of taxable income that is exempt from taxation pursuant to an international agreement, calculated on the basis of the separate accounting records. In the event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an international agreement, which results in nonpayment, or incomplete payment of tax to the state budget, the taxpayer shall bear liability in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Income earned by a nonresident legal entity that has the right to apply the provisions of an international agreement, from the operation of means of transport in international shipping in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the parties, without the creation of a permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall be exempt from taxation in accordance with the procedure established under Article 198 of Tax Code.

2.7.5 Procedure for the application of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of dividends, interest, and royalties

At the time that income is paid to a nonresident in the form of dividends, interest, or royalties, a tax agent shall have the right to apply the provisions of the respective international agreement without the filing by the nonresident of a request for application of the provisions of an international agreement, on the basis of a document confirming residency, if the nonresident in question is the final recipient of the income and has the right to apply the provisions of an international agreement. A tax agent shall be required to indicate in the statement of income tax collected at the source of payment which is filed with a tax authority the amount of income paid (accrued) and taxes withheld in accordance with the provisions of international agreements, the income tax rates, and the names of the international agreements. In the event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an international agreement which results in nonpayment or incomplete payment of tax to the state budget, the tax agent shall bear liability in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.7.6 Procedure for the application of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of net income from doing business through a permanent establishment

 A nonresident shall have the right to apply the provisions of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of net income from doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment without filing a request for application of the provisions of an international agreement, on the basis of a document confirming residency, if the nonresident in question is the final recipient of the net income and has the right to apply the provisions of the respective international agreement. A nonresident legal entity shall be required to indicate in a corporate income tax return the tax rate, the amount of tax on net income, and the name of the international agreement on the basis of which the respective tax rate was applied. In the event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an international agreement which results in nonpayment or incomplete payment of tax to the state budget, the taxpayer shall bear liability in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.7.7 Procedure for the application of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of other income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan

 A nonresident earning income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the exception of those referred to in Articles 198–201 of Tax Code, shall have the right to file a request to apply the provisions of an international agreement, following the form established by the authorized government agency, with the tax authority where the tax agent is registered, prior to the payment of the income. A tax authority shall review the request, and if the information indicated in the request is valid, it shall certify the request as filed.In the event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an international agreement, the tax authority shall deny the request and inform the nonresident of its reasons for doing so. In the event that a nonresident does not agree with a tax authority’s negative decision, the nonresident shall have the right to file a request with the authorized government agency (with the involvement of the competent authority of the nonresident’s country of residence, if necessary), asking that the matter be reviewed again to determine the proper application of the provisions of the international agreement.

2.7.8 General requirements for the filing of a request to apply the provisions of an international agreement

A request to apply the provisions of an international agreement, following the form established by the authorized government agency, shall be accepted by a tax authority provided that the following requirements are met:

1) the application is accompanied by:

copies of contracts (agreements, accords) for the performance of work (delivery of services) or for other purposes;

copies of charter documents;

a breakdown of income from providing transportation services in international shipping and on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

a certificate of work performed when the nonresident performs various types of work, an operational use certificate when construction work is performed, and an invoice or payment document confirming the receipt of income for services provided;

2) the tax agent submits accounting records confirming the amount of income accrued and/or paid and the taxes withheld;

3) there is confirmation of the applicant’s residency by a competent or authorized body of the applicant’s state, with which the Republic of Kazakhstan has concluded an international agreement (on the request form itself or in the form of an attached document confirming residency). For the purposes of this article and Articles 198–202 of this Code, a nonresident that has the right to apply the provisions of the respective international agreement, in the event of a change in its registration data in the country of residence, shall be required to present a document confirming residency that indicates the changes in these data, following the procedure established by said articles;

4) diplomatic or consular authorities provide legal validation of the signature and official seal of the agency that certified the residency of the nonresident (a document confirming residency), following the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan or an international agreement to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party.

            Certificate of taxes withheld and paid in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Nonresident can request from tax authority a certificate indicating the amount of income earned from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the taxes withheld and tax authority shall provide it.

Kazakhstan creates not worst Tax system among CIS counties for Foreign Direct Investment. Country realized many term and conditions to attract investors and make simply legislation. Within county work many foreign companies and foreigners in different industries. Domestic enterprises make the business with nonresidents enterprises or with their branches and their representatives, which located in territory of Kazakhstan within framework of external trade agreements.

 Foreigners earn here money by using our natural resources, or by providing services to our company. And it is important how much they will pay tax to Kazakhstan budget. By level of collection of tax depend the level of social support that may do by government. The following special tax privileges are available for the effective realization of investment projects in the priority sectors:

-   state grants;

-   exemption from land and property tax for a period up to 5 years after the conclusion of the contract;

-   exemption from income tax for a period of up to 5 years from the moment of receiving the taxable supply, but for not more than 8 years from the conclusion of the contract;

-   full or partial exemption from customs duty assessments for importation of equipment and raw materials needed to fulfill the investment project.

In 1997 there were developed direct foreign investments in the amount of $1830.8 mln., with regard to repayment of credit according to the schedule there were developed $1176.8 mln.

The main direct investors in 1997 were non-residents from the states of far abroad, among which the first place on developing direct foreign investments belongs to Japan with investments in $ 381.5 mln, then - USA ($ 207.4 mln.) and Great Britain ($ 241.4 mln.).

Level of Taxation usually depends on status of company or persons. It is very important is a company/ person resident or not, does nonresident perform entrepreneurship through permanent establishment or not. Resident entities are taxable on their worldwide income received or accrued within a reporting period (calendar year) at the 30% basic tax rate (The amount of taxable income is determined by subtracting deductible expenses and deductions on fixed assets from gross income). Income of nonresident entities derived from carrying on business in Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment is subject to taxation under the same rules as income of Kazakhstan residents. Nonresident entities are subject to taxation on income received from Kazakhstan sources. Incomes from Kazakhstan sources, except income in the form of dividend (15%), remunerations (the interest) (15%), insurance payments (10%), telecommunication or transport services in international network or transportation between RK and the other state (5%), taxed on corresponding to rate, are taxed by tax beside the source of the payment at rate 20 percents. As we can see nonresidents pay at less tax rates as residents. So nonresident taxation have important meaning to Kazakhstan. It means that if government will not clearly realize this problem, government may find miss a big amount of money in budget, that may needed for other thing; defense, education, social security etc. In the cases then foreigners or local company/ person decide use Nonresident taxation legislation to reduce its tax burden. Government should clearly determine the conception of Residency and Nonresidential, to avoid abuse in determination of residency.  Clearly determine taxed incomes of nonresidents through permanent establishment. Determine list of the taxable incomes of nonresidents.

Clear and stable taxes let to improve investment climate in Republic, also it lead to development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, because now many domestic companies receive, commonly, services from foreign companies in applying new technologies, training of staff, reclamation of new types of services, expanding markets for goods and services.


Since independence the legal system of the country has undergone considerable reforms. The new constitution and a number of new constitutional laws on state system and governmental bodies of Kazakhstan have been passed. Amendments were introduced to the Civil, Criminal and Tax Codes, trade and investment regulations and other legal acts regulating the major aspects of the country life.

Taxes – is basic sources of incomes of the state so the dominant motivation for taxation in any counties is to finance public administration and the public provision of economic and social service. Second motivations are the redistribution of income and correction of market imperfections. But also tax creates distortions in the economy that reduce the real income of taxpayers by more than amount of revenue that is transferred to the government. This occurs when taxpayers either modify their behavior in an attempt to reduce their tax burdens or spend resources in evading taxes. Taxes are used for economic influence of the state on public manufacture, its structure, and on condition of scientific and technical progress. By tax government may discourage domestic production and foreign investments. So government should balanced between public provision of economic and social service, and level of taxation. The appropriate level of taxation depends on a country’s desired role for the state, the efficiency and equity of its public spending, and the efficiency and equity of its tax structure and administration. The Government of Kazakhstan is clearly aware of this and continues to make steady progress in developing its tax system to fit the realities of modern business in the global economy.

Consideration of Nonresident taxation is important because this tax may use as a loophole for avoiding or decreasing tax burden of taxpayers. Level of tax payments is critical to the economic development of Kazakhstan as sovereign state.

  So it can decrease level of tax collection and level of social expenditures. Lead to social instability in society.

Appendix A

Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001

Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001

Appendix B

Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001

The tax revenue in the consolidated budget has shown a rising trend in the last two years. The performance of domestic taxes (particularly VAT and Excises) has been improving.

Income Tax from Legal Entaties

Income Tax from Physical Persons



Land Tax

Ownership Tax

Social Tax

Property Tax


54759 35329 89030 18956 4644 24537 70463 15210


163529 51016 115132 19285 5506 26693 9907 14763


Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001


1. Law of Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2002 " Law on Taxes and other obligatory Payments to the Budget "

2. " Law on Taxes and other obligatory Payments to the Budget " Chapter 7 “Features of Taxation on Nonresidents Income” (with changes from January 1, 2002)

3. Bulletin of Accountant, “Tax Code about Taxation of Operation with Nonresidents of RK " (Print house “BIKO” Almaty, 2001) / 1 – 35/

4. Hodorovich, Mihail Ivanovich 1997, Taxation of Individuals /p25 – 40/

5. Lessons of Tax Reform, World Bank Publication  /15 – 25/

6. National Statistics Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan, Short Statistics annual edition of Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2001) /130 – 135/

7. Kazakhstan Public Expenditure Review, June 27, 2000 (Document of the World Bank)

p /12- 15/

8. Macroeconomics, Timothy Tregarthen 1996  /p328 –340/


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